Brannon Howse: August 20, 2010


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Brannon's guest is former Mormon teacher, Ed Decker. Ed was a Mormon for thirty years. Topic One: Please remember Brannon started the website to support Glenn when the radicals wanted his advertisers to stop advertising in his program. With that said, Brannon believes Glenn has now moved into an area where we must draw a clear line theologically and doctrinally. While Christians can join Glenn in opposing tyranny, socialism, cultural Marxism, and the like but we cannot join him spiritually. Glenn's website describes the event at the Kennedy Center as "Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny" and states that the event will include "uplifting music, nationally-known religious figures from all faith will unite…" Glenn's website also promotes Glenn's "Daily Spiritual Thought" and "join Glenn Beck live each weekday morning at 7:05a ET for prayer." Why must we respectfully and lovingly tell Glenn we cannot agree with him nor find common ground in the area of Biblical doctrine and theology? Topic Two: Is Glenn now using his TV program to push his Mormon faith? Glenn has the right to push his Mormon faith on TV but Glenn needs to be upfront about it. On his program on August 18th, Glenn brought up the topic of the Bat Creek stone found in a Native American burial mound in Tennessee in 1889. While proclaimed by many experts as a fraud, some believe the stone contains a Paleo-Hebrew inscription. The program was rather strange and many bloggers and supporters of Glenn found the program strange. However, one self-described Mormon commenting on a blog site stated that as a Mormon this was interesting and would be of interest to Glenn Beck since he is a Mormon. The Mormon Church teaches that Native American Indians are descendants of a lost tribe of Israel. Thus a stone found in a Native American Indian burial mound with a Hebrew inscription would be of interest to Glenn and other Mormons but Glenn should be transparent with his audience and explain why this is of interest to him. Topic Three: Why will you not find a cross on the top of or inside of a Mormon Church? Why do Mormons use water and not red wine or red juice when observing the Lord's Supper? Why do Mormons say the cross and blood of Jesus Christ is foolishness? Topic Four: The point of today's program is that Christians need to be wise and not fall into the trap of compromising on the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an effort to be politically correct, tolerant and find religious unity with anti-Biblical beliefs and religions. We appreciate the strong and courageous stands that Glenn has taken but Christians understand that Glenn is now, by his own choice, promoting something that is not compatible with Biblical Christian doctrines. We can be co-belligerents on many moral issues with non-Christians but we cannot find common ground theologically and doctrinally. Christians must understand that the Jesus of the cults is not the Jesus of the Bible. Topic Five: We take your calls. Topic Six: Here is an e-mail Brannon received today: I am an ex-Mormon who is fifth generation and my father was raised on the Joseph Smith farm in New York. I hope someone has alerted you of the Glenn Beck program aired 8/18/10. He presented the Mormon philosophy, though not calling it that, of the American Indian possibly being from the Middle East, possibly the Jewish lost tribe! He used Mormon authors, scientists and teachers to make his point. Claiming history has been rewritten! His agenda is finally out in the open. How many people are aware of what he is doing? Please follow up on your program with this information. (Linda F)

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