Brannon Howse: August 26, 2010


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Original air date was August 25th at 1pm CT. Topic One: Author of an article on the 9-12 Project that criticized Brannon now writes that she agrees with Brannon's Biblical stance on Glenn Beck's spiritual event. Topic Two: Hear Glenn Beck in his own words on his radio program on August 24, 2010 say that you can use the phrase; "I am that I am" "to create who you want to be". Did Jesus tell us in Matthew and Luke that the increase of people saying "I am" about themselves would be a sign we are in the last days? Why is "The Secret" that promotes the "I am" theology and law of attraction unbiblical? Topic Three: On his August 24th radio program Glenn says that "Hell is an eternity of regret, not being able to forgive yourself". Mormons do not believe in an eternal hell for the fast majority of people. Everyone will end up in one of three levels of heaven except for those who received the Mormon gospel and the Holy Ghost but reject both will be cast into outer darkness for eternity according to the Mormons Doctrines and Covenants 76:28-35, 44-48. Do we see anywhere in the Bible where we can forgive ourselves; is this even Biblical terminology? How do the self-love and self-forgiveness beliefs connect? Does the Bible say it is a good thing to love yourself or should we die to self? What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? Topic Four: On August 24th radio program Glenn Beck says "people are good; they want to do the right thing." What does the Bible say about this? Is man basically good? Does man want to do what is right? How does this belief fit with humanism, universalism and Mormonism? What did the apostle Paul say about his own fleshly desires in Romans 7? Topic Five: Glenn Beck says on his August 24th TV program that the 8/27 and 8/28 event is not a Christian event but a God event. What God is he speaking of? Why on the very same TV program is Glenn telling us that Obama needs to be clear about his faith when Glenn has been so unclear about his? Topic Six: Glenn says to bring your "spirit" to this weekend's events. Is the 8/28 going to turn into an event like the 8/27 event? Topic Seven: John Hagee sends out an e-mail alert asking people to join him and Glenn Beck for this "national prayer meeting" on August 27th. Will Hagee and Beck be praying to the God of the Bible or the God of the Mormons who was once a man? Topic Eight: We take your calls.

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