Brannon Howse: August 27, 2010


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Original air date: August 26, 2010 at 1pm CT. Can We Better Understand Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny By Understanding What the Mormon Church Says About The Constitution, America, and the Last Days? Brannon's guest on his radio program today was Ed Decker, a former Mormon for twenty years before becoming Christian. On today's program Brannon plays sound bites of a speech given by Mormon President Ezra Taft Benson entitled "Our Divine Constitution" and Ed responds. Glenn Beck said on his TV program on August 26, 2010, that the event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday August 28th, 2010, will not be a political event. A few days before this Glenn said the event will not be a Christian event but a God event. What God are we talking about? Is Glenn acknowledging that it is indeed all about a spiritual agenda that has been well laid out by leading Mormon leaders including the now deceased President of the Mormon Church, Ezra Taft Benson? Glenn said that the money for this event was raised months ago. Did the Mormon Church assist in covering the costs for this event and if so for what purpose? Here are the sound bites we played on the radio program today from the speech given by Ezra Taft Benson. Ezra Taft Benson: I reverence the Constitution of the United States as a sacred document. To me its words are akin to the revelations of God, for God has placed His stamp of approval upon it. Brannon Howse: This is out right heresy! We are told in Deuteronomy 4:2 not to "add to the word which I commanded you, nor take from it." Saying the Constitution is "akin to the revelation of God" is adding to the Bible and is for sure lowering the supremacy of the Word of God and thus heresy. If the Constitution is akin to the Word of God, why has it been changed so many times? Ezra Taft Benson: I have faith that the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith….It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church—among others—men and women who understand and abide the principles of the Constitution.
Brannon Howse: It is the Mormon Church and "enlightened" Mormons that will save America? If America is to be saved it will not be by the false gospel and false Jesus of the Mormons following the principles of the Constitution that they have elevated to being equal to the Word of God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says that "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Part of the wickedness America needs to turn from is following the Jesus of the cults or the Jesus of Oprah's pagan spirituality. The very thing the Mormons are doing, and many Christian Americans are following, will actually not reclaim America but bring God's judgment.
Ezra Taft Benson: Have we read The Federalist papers? Are we reading the Constitution and pondering it? Are we aware of its principles? Are we abiding by these principles and teaching them to others? Could we defend the Constitution? Can we recognize when a law is constitutionally unsound? Do we know what the prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it? Brannon Howse: I am all for returning to the original intent of America's Founding Fathers but the cross is higher than the flag and the Word of God is above the Constitution. If we really want to defend a Constitutional Republic we must get back to the Word of God; not the Mormon Bible and Mormon teachings on end-times beliefs. How many Christians know the Mormons want to build God's kingdom on earth and build the New Jerusalem in Independence, Missouri? Ezra Taft Benson: We are fast approaching that moment prophesied by Joseph Smith when he said: “Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction” (19 July 1840, as recorded by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray; ms. in Church Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City). Brannon Howse: The Mormon Church, in recent years, has found itself in another public relations problem so Ed Decker says they have backed away from this belief. However, all Mormons know of this prophecy by Joseph Smith and believe the Mormon Church and its "enlightened members of this Church" will restore America's honor. Sound familiar? Is this the goal of Glenn Beck's restoring America's Honor rally? Is Glenn Beck committed to this Mormon movement that will restore America and usher in the "Kingdom of God" on earth? What does Glenn Beck mean by God? Does Glenn reject the Mormon god that was a man of flesh and bone that evolved to be the God of this universe by living a good Mormon life? Does Glenn believe he can become a god with many goddess wives and populate his own planet? Does Glenn believe that Jesus is the brother of Satan that was voted by a council to come to earth? Glenn has said that 80% of his life revolves around the Mormon Temple. Glenn owes it to all of us that have watched him to answer these questions particularly since Glenn has challenged the president to be clear about his religious beliefs. Ezra Taft Benson: Only in this foreordained land, under its God-inspired Constitution and the resulting environment of freedom, was it possible to have established the restored church. It is our responsibility to see that this freedom is perpetuated so that the Church may more easily flourish in the future. The Lord said, “Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land” (D&C 98:6). Brannon's Howse: So in the end, the big push for returning to the founding principles is for the goal of the flourishing of the Mormon Church? How many people are aware of this ultimate goal? How many Americans want to live in a Mormon theocracy? Before you react and by their claim that they are not for a theocracy you had better read the "Law of Consecration" that Mormons swear to in the LDS temple ritual. Among other things, the officiator requests that swear to "consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you , to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion."
Ezra Taft Benson: Our Father in Heaven planned the coming forth of the Founding Fathers and their form of government as the necessary great prologue leading to the restoration of the gospel. Recall what our Savior Jesus Christ said nearly two thousand years ago when He visited this promised land: “For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth” (3 Ne. 21:4). America, the land of liberty, was to be the Lord’s latter-day base of operations for His restored church.
Brannon Howse: So the god of the Mormons, who was once a man of flesh and bone, planned America so the gospel of the Mormon Church could be restored? When did Jesus visit the promise land, which they call America? You will only find that in the Mormon Bible. Notice Taft is quoting from the Mormon Bible where they say that Jesus declared that America would become the "Lord's latter-day base of operations for His restored church." If Glenn Beck's event on 8/27 and 8/28 are not political events but spiritual events don't you think people should be aware of both the spiritual and political agenda of the Mormon Church that Glenn has said 80% of his life revolves around? If Glenn said come to these two events to learn more about the Constitution of the United States which is equal to the inspired Word of God; how many Christians would still attend? Sadly, I believe most American Christians have little Biblical discernment and thus even if Glenn publically equated the Constitution as "akin to the revelations of God…" as did Ezra Taft Benson they would still be at his beckon call because they are so hungry for a conservative leader and so eager to reclaim the founder's original intent. I believe many self-professing Christians will betray God's ordained Word which will surely guarantee that we do not reclaim America but that our destiny will be divine judgment.

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