Brannon Howse: August 29, 2010


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Brannon is back on the air after traveling to and from Worldview Weekend Rallies on Friday and Monday. Topic One: United Nations appoints space ambassador to greet alien visitors. This is not a joke. also reports that ex Air Force officers are worried that Aliens are monitoring our nukes. Over the past several years there has been an increasing rise in the interest of UFOs and alien life. Dr. Ron Carlson and Ed Decker writing in their book, Fast Facts on False Teaching believe that UNFOs are of a demonic realm and that the increase in sightings and the increase in a desire to contact alien life iare laying the foundation for the acceptance of the Antichrist. Topic Two: TIME Magazine reports on Interfaith U. Claremont School of Theology is now offering classes in which they train pastors, rabbis and Imams under one roof. Brannon explains how the rise of a one-world religion, universalism and pluralism is laying the foundation for a one world leader that will unite all faiths under the coming one world religion. What does this mean for conservative Bible Believing Christians? Topic Three: U.S. Education Secretary says he will work to make America's children "good environmental citizens". The push to teach America's children radical environmentalism, pluralism, pantheism and paganism fits with the coming one-world religion that will largely be based on radical environmentalism and pantheism. Topic Four: We take your calls.

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