Brannon Howse: December 11


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Topic One: Obama hopes to "reboot America's image" with the world's Muslims by using his middle name in his swearing-in ceremony. Reports are that Obama will give a major speech in a Muslim nation in the first 100 days of his presidency. Topic Two: The Wall Street Journal reports on the Obama health-care express. Why is Brannon opposed to national health care? Brannon explains how the Delphi Technique will be used, as it was in education reforms, to make Americans believe they had input in the implementation of socialized medicine. Topic Three: President Bush says he does not take the Bible literally and that he prays to the same God as those with different religious beliefs. Bush has said on other occasions that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. We take your calls on whether you think this is a sign of someone that is either being politically correct, does not really know what it means to be a Christian or is still drinking spiritual milk instead of eating meat?

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