Brannon Howse: February 12, 2015


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Topic: For communism or socialism to flourish, Christians do not need to embrace communism outright but embrace a liberal Christianity that allows for it. Topic: Humanitarian Jesus: Social Justice and the Cross. This is the name of a book written by Christian Buckley and Ryan Dobson who is the son and radio co-host of James Dobson. Why is it wrong to tie social justice to the cross and the gospel? If the authors are interested in Biblical theology, as they claim in their book, then why did their book include interviews with such theological liberals as Tony Campolo, Ron Sider, Mark Batterson and Francis Chan? Topic: Hear the audio of Francis Chan speaking at KC-International House of Prayer and declaring his love of Mike Bickle and the need for unity and to not have division. Does God want us to have division or unity with false teachers? Topic: Hear John Piper praise the globalist PEACE plan of Rick Warren and then tell Rick he is shocked that anyone could be against his PEACE Plan or his book Purpose Driven Life. What does this tell us about John Piper? If Rick Warren is aiding in building a false church and Piper is praising Rick Warren does that mean that John Piper is in some fashion also assisting in the advancement of a false, global church and liberal Christianity? Topic: The liberals of the 1930s infiltrated evangelicalism but if they now sit back and watch they will see that evangelicalism is building a so-called Christianity that is embracing communism-lite. Topic: Modern-day evangelicalism is laying down the needed planks of socialism, ecumenicalism, and mysticism for the kingdom or Reich of antichrist yet this is all being done in the name of the cross, the gospel, and in the name of Jesus. Topic: So, what happens when discerning Christians point out the Trojan Horse? Topic: We take your calls.

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