Brannon Howse: February 17, 2015


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Topic: World Magazine has just released a big article reporting that David Jeremiah and his ministry were involved in the same kind of book buying scheme as Mark Driscoll in order to get his books on the best-seller list. Hear the details of this report. Topic: The dishonesty of Brian Williams cost him a six month suspension without pay and maybe his anchor chair for good. YET, what does it cost mega-"pastors" when they are dishonest in a manner that brings shame on their office of pastor and the testimony of the wider church? If "pastors" never face public consequences for their actions what does that say to our young people, the unsaved world and the church as a whole? Do such actions that go without public rebuke and consequences cause pragmatism to be further sown into the fabric of evangelicalism? Topic: Matt Chandler and his wife like Ann Voskamp and her book as does the ministry of John Piper. Are you aware of what is in chapter 11 of her book One Thousand Gifts? What is happening to evangelicalism? Topic: Dr. Tommy Ice joins us to take on those that say that the Jews of Israel are not real Jews.

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