Brannon Howse: February 23, 2010


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Brannon's guest is Dennis Cuddy. Topic One: Bill Bennett goes after Glenn Beck for his speech at CPAC in which he declared that republicans and democrats are too much alike. Is Bill Bennett someone we should really listen to? Brannon thinks not. In fact, Brannon thinks Bill Bennett is a perfect example of what Glenn Beck was talking about. Bennett has called for national testing, which will lead to a national curriculum. This is very dangerous for public school students as well as private schools and homeschoolers. Bennett has called for teacher competency testing, which sounds good, but it could actually lead to what the National Education Association has been desiring for years which is control over who comes in, who stays and who leaves the teaching profession based on the teachers conservative ideals, values, and worldview. Bennett, along with Chester Finn, received a federal grant to write a proposal on how to implement America 2000, which was actually written in part by Bill Clinton as a southern governor and chairman of the National Governors Association. Bennett and Finns' proposal was called "The Modern Red Schoolhouse". America 2000 became Goals 2000 and was part of a global education agenda. USA Today reports that Bennett lost $8 million through his gambling. Brannon interviewed Bennett many years ago and later came to understand that Bennett is not a true conservative and is not someone Republicans should be following in many areas. While Bennett is pro-life and seems to be opposed to same-sex marriage, his education policy ideas are not far off from those of Hillary and Bill Clinton. Topic Two: The role that liberal foundations play in destroying America. Topic Three: Are there really secret societies and is it true that even the Librarian of Congress has written a book on secret societies?

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