Brannon Howse: February 25, 2015


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Topic: Hear shocking audio clips of Todd Friel declaring that the Catholic Inquisition killed only 3,000 people over 600 years. This is the same liberal line his friends at American Family Radio Network, which carries his program, were spouting a few days ago on the Facebook page of one of their radio hosts. Why would Todd Friel say something that is historically documented as being false? As we have discussed many times before, the Church of Rome slaughtered 50 million Christians over 600 years and not 3,000 as Todd reports. Dr. David Plaisted documents the 50 million figure in his 84 page report that is online for free. Dr. Plaisted has many sources that document this figure of 50 million. Topic: Todd also says he is not defending this branch of Christianity that carried out the Inquisition. This sounded like Todd was saying that Catholicism was a branch of Christianity, which it is not. Topic: Todd says that there were 150,000 trials during the inquisition but only 3,000 killed. These figures do not even pass the smell test and should reveal to Todd that his reporting is flawed. This would mean that the Church of Rome only convicted about 2% of those they put on trial for heresy and 98% they set free. Topic: Todd says that part of the Inquisition was being carried out by the Church of Rome against Catholics that were not practicing Catholicism correctly, and the Inquisition was more of an in-house event. Topic: Todd says the Inquisition was not a reign of terror per se. Tell that to the 50 million Christians killed that included people that were burned alive and buried alive. Todd might want to become less of a comedian and more of a researcher if he is going to cover such topics. Topic: Chris and Brannon discuss why these comments by Todd are very troubling. Topic: We take your calls.

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