Brannon Howse: February 26, 2010


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Topic One: The son (Joseph) of a Hamas leader becomes Christian and spends 10 years spying for Israel inside his father's terrorist network. Joseph now lives in America. Last in early 2009 Brannon had Joseph's pastor from California on his broadcast with this remarkable story. Joseph's new book has just been released. Topic Two: Pentecostal pastor leading inter-faith religious services at Olympics. Topic Three: Financial expert that predicted the 1987 stock market decline now calls for people to invest in gold and land and to prepare for "dirty war". Topic Three: Major bank says it may require its customers to give seven day notice before withdrawing funds. Topic Five: Why should Christians care what is happening around the world? Topic Six: Obama to rule by Executive Orders? How Obama's EO, his Czars and the judicial branch are making Congress more and more irrelevant and Congress has no one to blame but themselves.

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