Brannon Howse: February 5, 2010


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Deconstructing the military with guest Michael Reagan and Elaine Donnelly. Topic One: The militaries Joint Chief of Staff says lifting "don't ask don't tell" in the military is a matter of integrity. Does this politically correct, yes-man even know what the word integrity means? Obama is deliberately destroying the effectiveness of the U.S. military and Defense Secretary Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen are either in agreement with this or they are so gutless they are willing to go along in order to keep their jobs. Topic Two: Rand Corporation report proposes that the federal government establish a "Stabilization Police Force." This force would be used in America and overseas. The report says that the force "could operate as an independent entity under a U.S. ambassador or a U.N. Senior Representative to the Secretary General, or as a force element reporting to a Joint Task Force commander." This is what the military has come to? This is why the good guys are leaving or talking about leaving the military. They do not want to be used for nation building, enriching the military industrial complex by dragging out wars so more and more equipment can be built, destroyed and built at taxpayer expense. They are tired of fighting wars they are not allowed to win and seeing their colleagues prosecuted when they do their job and actually kill a terrorist or punch them in the nose. The God and country military members do not want to be in a military that is going to invite every type of pervert into the military including transgender soldiers. Many of their wives do not want their husbands on submarines with women for months on end. The political correctness of feminism, tolerance and diversity is being used to destroy the military. Topic Three: Air Force Times reports that pagans get worship space at academy and that Wicca religion is now the largest religious group in the Air Force after Christianity. Why is this so dangerous? Topic Four: Cross found at academy pagan worship site and the politically correct Air Force Academy superintendent gives a tolerance speech. Topic Five: Hitler used paganism and occultism to brainwash his troops and to condition them to accept the their duty of killing millions that opposed him. What lesson should America and the American military learn from this? What would the Founding Fathers say about this?

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