Brannon Howse: February 9, 2010


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Topic One: Congressman says America may well see the destruction of the dollar, an economic collapse, social unrest and martial law. Topic Two: Are there enough Americans that want liberty and freedom? Are there enough Americans left that will be self-governed and reject the nanny state? Topic Three: King, N.C. declares state of emergency over snow and which makes it illegal to carry your gun in your car. We are going to deprive people of their 2nd Amendment right over snow? If this is the action for snow wait to see what the politicians will do when it really hits the fan and there is a real crisis. Topic Four: While Americans have been distracted by national healthcare reform, team Obama has been busy orchestrating the final and complete takeover of American education. This take over has been eagerly accepted by 41 states thus far. In that 41 states there are legislatures and governor's offices controlled by Republicans and yet they are eagerly going along with Obama's education plan which includes education standards tied to the United Nations. This is why we need people who are first and foremost conservatives that are committed to original intent. Brannon reveals some of the UN standards. Obama will bring us national curriculum and national testing but Republicans have had no problem going along with this in order to receive federal money. However, it is not just the federal money; it is that the Republican Party is filled with moderates, liberals, and globalist. The party is also filled with elected officials that are ignorant and have no idea what this is all about. They look good, give great sound bites, but in reality, they are empty suits that have not bothered to study the issue. So Obama has played them like fools by distracting them with national healthcare while he put the system into place that will bring about a Marxist, globalist revolution via the school more so than ever.

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