Brannon Howse: Janaury 25, 2010


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Remembering President Ronald Reagan. Brannon was asked by Michael Reagan to sit in as the guest host of his national radio program while he attended his father's funerals services in Washington D.C. and then in California at the Reagan Library. We have edited together a few of the best interviews and calls from two of those three hour programs that where guest hosted by Brannon. Brannon's guests included people like Timothy McCarthy, the U.S. Secret Service agent that stepped in front of an assassin's bullet and saved the life of President Reagan. Brannon also interviewed Dr. D. James Kennedy and Dr. Jerry Falwell and they shared personal stories on President Reagan and his Christian faith. Brannon also plays a clip from President Reagan from 1983 when he declared it the year of the Bible. Brannon also interviews Fred Barnes from Fox News Channel and shares a few calls from listeners that share their personal stories of meeting and working with President Reagan.

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