Brannon Howse: January 22, 2015


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Part 3: Liberalism hiding as evangelicalism. Topic: Hear an audio clip of Steve Childers declaring the need to make the invisible kingdom visible through a cultural mandate. The Bible does not teach that Christians are to build a physical kingdom. The Lord God will bring His kingdom. Topic: Hear Childers declare that Luke 4:18-19 is not spiritual talk but literal when Jesus talks of ending oppression as we preach the gospel to the poor. However, the Greek word for poor in this verse gives us a clue that this is not referring to the working poor but indeed the spiritually poor and spiritually depraved and bankrupt. Topic: If Luke 4:18-19 is physical and not spiritual then what about the verse 18 that speaks of giving sight to the blind. Are these men that are calling for a culture mandate going to start healing the blind while they end poverty and crime? They cannot claim spiritual in one line and physical when it fits their liberal agenda. There must be a proper understanding of the context and proper rules of hermeneutics. Topic: How is this message of the reconstructionist and cultural reformer that calls for using the gospel to give material wealth and wellbeing to everyone really any different than that of the Word of Faith false teachers? Topic: Hear Tim Keller declare that we are not to be poor but we are also not to be rich. Who is going to set that salary cap and what is the correct salary cap? Who determines what is rich; the political and religious elite? How is this not socialism? Topic: How is the message of the cultural reformers any different than the economic and social agenda of the far left and their community organizers? Topic: Why is the message of the cultural reformers really an attack on the gospel and the New Testament Church? Topic: Our phone lines light up with great callers.

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