Brannon Howse; January 27, 2010


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Topic One: A nationally known Christian college and radio network in Minnesota that has had a long history of defending Biblical truth is going liberal according to many alumni and former trustees. This is a college that Billy Graham was president of for many years. The StarTribune runs an article entitled "An Identity crisis for a Christian College." On their StarTribune website there are 12 pages of comments and in the comments some liberal nut blames Brannon Howse and Jan Markell for stirring up and keeping this controversy going. How can this be when Brannon, nor Jan have discussed this on their radio programs nor have even kept track of this story? Brannon and Jan discuss why this is an important story and how certain conservative, Christian leaders are now regularly blamed for every dust up with the radical, religious left. Topic Two: The BBC runs a great article revealing that many of the radicals behind global warming are really more interested in promoting their pagan spirituality. The article says "Some greens want to change our relationship with nature and get us interested in consciousness rather than consumption." Topic Three: Christian Action Network is fined $4,000 in Maine for distributing a letter that had "an inflammatory anti-Muslim message".

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