Brannon Howse: January 28, 2010


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Topic One: Justice Alito's mouthed the words "not true" to President Obama during his State of the Union Address. Why is this very shocking and what was he saying Obama was wrong about? Topic Two: Brannon's take of the State of the Union Address. Topic Three: Obama says he will freeze spending for three years on "discretionary" government programs. Big deal when Obama's first two years will big the two biggest deficits since World War Two and there is billions of dollars in stimulus money sitting in a fund for him to buy votes for 2010 and 2012. Topic Four: Obama to announce $8 billion from stimulus money to go to California and Florida for high-speed rail. Why Florida and California? Could it have anything to do with their electoral votes? 31 states are slated to get this money. I wonder if any of the really red states will get any of Obama's money. Topic Five: Man arrested with grenade launcher and map of U.S. military facility but government is quick to say it had no connection to terrorism. Is that not what they said about Ft. Hood despite the guy being a Muslim screaming Muslim Jihad chants? Topic Six: Al-Qaida aims to hit U.S. with WMDs and report says America not ready. Topic Six: The head of security at the American Consulate in Jerusalem has called all Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria as potential terrorists, murders and assassins. Wow. Israel has a real friend in the Obama Administration don’t they? Topic Seven: Emergent Church pastor Brian McLaren is trashing Israel and trying to convince evangelicals to join him in throwing Israel under the bus. Topic Eight: After Obama's Executive Order that created the Council of Governors, Legislation is being proposed in states that would keep control of national guard with governors and away from President.

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