Brannon Howse: January 29, 2010


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Brannon's guest is Jim Fletcher. Author of "It's The End of the World As We Know It: And I feel Fine. Topic One: Predictive Prophecy that reveals the supernatural nature of God's Word. Topic Two: Palestinian President says Jerusalem will only accept Jerusalem as their capitol. Topic Three: Report says Al Qaeda terror leaders have eye on chemical, biological or nuclear attack. Topic Four: Most Americans and even Christians and conservatives do not understand that you cannot look at Obama and those around him as your neighbor down the street. You must understand who they are, where they come from, what they have studied, who they have followed, what they have said, what they have written and what the openly embrace. Most Americans have lost the ability of reason, logic, and context. Nor do they understand history or various worldviews such as Communism, Marxism and Fascism. Most Americans under estimate the evil goals, intentions, and capacity of world leaders and the evil they are capable of allowing, encouraging and promoting. Topic Five: U.S. Congressman Chris Smith says obama is "obessed" with promoting abortion. Topic Six: U.S. Military Marine battalion shocked by Muslim, Afgan men's worldview. Muslim Afgan men think that having relations with other men is acceptable and that this is not homosexuality. They believe the Koran does not speak against their behavior but only speaks against "loving" another man. What does this say about Islam? Is homosexuality rampant within Islam?

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