Brannon Howse: January 4, 2010


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Topic One: What Brannon did on his Christmas vacation to unplug? Topic Two: Secular news report says 2010 will witness the most destructive war in modern history in Middle East. Topic Three: Christian news article agrees and explains how the coming war in the Middle East fits in with Bible Prophecy. Iran and Syria confirmed a military pact on 12/11/09 and why this fits with Bible prophecy? Is Syria going to launch scud missiles over into Israel and kill a large number of Israelis? Will Israel respond by wiping Damascus off the face of the earth in fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1? Are we going to see the fulfillment of Psalm 83 in 2010? The most fascinating part of all these reports is how British and Israeli experts are agreeing on what is likely to come and many of them would have no idea these things are predicted in the Bible. Topic Four: Economist John Walter Williams moves is prediction for hyperinflation in America up and says he could happen in the next five years with a strong possibility it could begin in 2010.

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