Brannon Howse: January 7


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Topic One: Will the antichrist be a Muslim? Topic Two: Political Hack to be new CIA Director? Why is this dangerous? Topic Three: Should the RNC pass a resolution that says that President Bush and republican leaders embraced socialism? Topic Four: Why Americans don't tell their children they can aspire to become the President a Governor or a member of the U.S. Congress. Topic Five: Why Americans should be very upset over a stolen election in the U.S.Senate race in Minnesota. What consequences will this have on all of us? Topic Six: Quote from Cicero of Rome sounds like America even though the quote is 2,000 years old. Topic Seven: Listen to quotes from the "experts" from 2007 and 2008 telling us how the economy is sound and the stock market is heading way up and the real-estate market has bottomed and banks are sound.

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