Brannon Howse: July 16, 2010


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Topic One: Obama shows us he is following the strategy of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinksky. Obama deliberately lied to the American people when he signed an Executive Order banning federal funds from being used for abortions via ObamaCare so that he could get it passed. Now that ObamaCare has passed, the Health and Human Services Department is allowing Pennsylvania to use federal funds in a new high-risk insurance pool which will include funding abortions. Saul Alinsky wrote in his book, Rules for Radicals, that the first rule of a community organizer is that truth is relative. This is a fancy way of saying that a community organizer can lie and do whatever is necessary to accomplish his goals. Topic Two: Obama's Federal Government says that all Americans must have their body mass index included on an electronic health record. Really, and just what kind of punishment will be inflicted on those of us that do not give up our BMI to the feds? Topic Three: Obama's FBI links to website that praises unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers. Our government agencies that are meant to protect the American people and our Constitution are being uses to reward the wicked and punish the righteous. This FBI also lists as a resource, on the issue of hate-crimes, the Southern Poverty Law Center which is a radical, leftist organization. Topic Four: The TEA Party put Scott Brown in office and now Brown has voted for Obama's federal takeover of the financial markets and he voted for the stimulus. So, perhaps the Tea Party will not learn that it is time to take a stand on moral, philosophical, and worldview issues. The Tea Party cannot oppose, resist and replace, a tyrannical government and its leaders when they are waging a worldview war and the Tea Party will only discuss the limited area of economic issues. Obama and his friends know what they believe, why they believe it and the Tea Party cannot say the same. Sarah Palin is currently leading in the poll of potential Presidential candidates yet Brannon contends that Sarah and most of your "conservative" talking heads are an inch deep and a mile wide. Obama's friends have just put out a report calling for the advancement of Sustainable Development yet does Sarah Palin even know what Sustainable Development is? Does Sarah know the difference between a Constitutional republic and a democracy? Can she articulate the dangers of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child? Can she explain the dangers of Keynesian economics, Fabian socialism, the dangers of the "third way" or Communitarianism? Is she familiar with Cultural Marxism? Does she know about the Bank for International Settlements and how they are trying to undermine America's sovereignty and implement a global economic system that merges America with European socialism? We have heard nothing of such substance from Sarah and in fact, she continues to spew the same shallow talking points she was two years ago when running with John McCain. Americans and the Tea Party need to find a leader that will speak with in-depth substance on how thugs are putting in place a system that will sit above and over America. Unless conservative Americans become eager readers, hungry learners, and skilled at understanding the worldviews that are ruling the world, the worldview revolution taking place in America will be won by Obama and his friends. Topic Five: We take your calls.

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