Brannon Howse: July 22, 2010


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Topic One: The latest in the amnesty battle. Every day there is another news article or radio interview of Christian leaders pushing for amnesty. Why is Amnesty one of the biggest issues of our day? Why does the pro-life issue, parental authority, religious freedom, capitalism, and every issue the pro-family movement and Christians have fought for rest on the passage or non-passage of amnesty? The issue of amnesty will determine whether the revolution occurring in America will be stopped or not. If 18 million illegal aliens become citizens and can vote, the Communist Party USA says their socialist agenda will be complete. So why are Christian leaders pushing for amnesty? Topic Two Matthew Staver goes on to Bill O'Reilly's program on Fox News Channel to explain his position. Does it not sound like amnesty but by another name? We play some of the interview for you. Topic Three: One of our listeners sends us an e-mail that he also sent to Mr. Staver, explaining to Mr. Staver why he cannot say he is not for amnesty when in fact that is really what he is pushing whether he will admit it or not. Topic Four: Staver and others have used Leviticus 19:34 to claim that their position is Biblical. However, Leviticus 19:34 has nothing to do with the public policy issue of immigration law. What is the real meaning of Leviticus 19:34? Topic Five: How can America and Christians show Biblical compassion while also enforcing our nation's immigration laws? Topic Six: Is it unbiblical to allow illegal immigrants to live in America for twenty years and now deport them? Topic Seven: Is it Biblical and moral to have millions of illegal immigrants here in America as our unemployment rates is really 22%? Topic Eight: Most illegal immigrants that are here painting houses, cutting grass, siding homes, roofing homes etc., do not pay federal taxes, state income tax, pay workers compensation insurance, buy liability insurance and spend hours and thousands of dollars each year complying with government red tape. Thus, they can drastically underbid American small business owners that do comply with all the laws of our land and thus American small business owners cannot complete. We have first hand reports of Americans going out of business and losing their livelihood because of illegal immigrants that underbid them because they work with cash under the table and without the overhead of Americans that are complying with the law. Now is that just and Biblical? Perhaps part of the issue is that many of the Christian leaders pushing Obama's plan have never actually run a business. Topic Nine: We take your calls.

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