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Topic: The pre-marxist revolution riots of 2020 are worse than the Communist riots of the 1960s but the agenda is the same. Brannon reads quotes from Communist agitator Stokely Carmichael from the 1960s in which he called for minorities to “fight the police and burn the city.” Topic: In 1966 a Grand Jury reported that the Cleveland riots of 1966 were people of all colors that were manipulated by misinformation from professional revolutionaries. Topic: In 1967, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover testified before a U.S. Congressional Committee that Communist revolutionaries were eager to sow racial discord for their agenda just as we are seeing in 2020. He also warned that a small group of Communists could bring down America when the majority of Americans fail to comprehend who the Communists are and their tactics and agenda. Topic: Brannon plays audio of BET founder Robert Johnson calling for $14 Trillion in reparations that he describes as “wealth transfer.” Mr. Johnson is reported to have a net worth of $600 million. Is he prepared to give away his entire fortune? Brannon explains why reparations is not only a stupid idea since there were black slave owners but it is socialism, theft, and about sowing more racial disharmony. Topic: Brannon explains why the FBI today is not the FBI of J. Edgar Hoover but as President Trump has declared from the Oval Office, is filled with “dirty, filthy cops” at the top and that impacts the entire culture of the FBI all the way down to the field agents. Topic: We take your calls.

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