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Topic One: The secular news media often present news stories that reveal that they understand what is happening in the modern church more over than the average Christian. For example, CNN has an article on a recent poll that reveals that 72 percent of students from the age of 18 to 29 call themselves spiritual but not religious. Topic Two: Why are today's young people interested in being spiritual but not religious? What do they mean by spiritual and what do they mean by spiritual? Topic Three: Syncretism is on the rise. What is syncretism? Topic Four: Claremont School of Theology has introduced a class for the fall of 2010 that seeks to bring Muslims, Christians and Jews together to learn in the same classroom. Such an attempt is a perfect example of syncretism. What does this mean for Bible-minded Christians? How will the slogan of co-exist set up Christians as the outsiders, the intolerant bigots that will not merge with other religions and thus be blamed for the lack of global peace, the ecological crisis and much more? Topic Five: Atheists choose de-baptism to renounce childhood faith. Topic Six: U.S. animal researches in Wisconsin faces jail time or heavy fines due to the agenda of the Wicca religion, pagan spirituality and the radical environmentalists that hate Christianity and capitalism. Topic Seven: While animal researches face possible jail time for doing research on sheep, Obama has spent $10 million on the abortion agenda in Kenya according to one congressman. Topic Seven: We take your calls.

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