Brannon Howse: June 2, 2010


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Brannon's guest is Jan Markell. Topic One: Israel Navy commando's try three times to avoid hurting "activities", which was code for terrorists. The liberal media is not reporting the great lengths to which the Israel commando's went to keep from hurting those on the ship that was trying to break the Israeli blockade that is meant to keep arms and weapons from being delivered to Palestinian terrorists. Topic Two: Why is the media not reporting that Israel offered to have the Mavi Marmara come into port and unload so that Israel could verify that indeed the contents of the ship was strictly humanitarian aid before allowing the "aid" to be transported into the Gaza stip? Topic Three: Why are so many Christians hostile to Israel? Why Bible verses point to the fact that God not broken His covenant with Israel? Topic Four: United Nations wants to investigate Israel even though it is filled with a majority that hates Israel? Topic Five: Why does the media not report on all the hospitals and schools that Israel built in the Gaza strip for both Israelis and Palestinians to use before the Palestinians kicked the Israelis out? Topic Six: Are we about to see a major war in the Middle East involving Israel? How does all this fit with protective prophecy? Topic Seven: We take your calls.

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