Brannon Howse: June 24


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Best of Flash Back: Dr. David Noebel is back as Brannon’s guest by popular demand. Topic One: The National Association of Evangelicals has gone left and is embracing socialism? Topic Two: Obama's new spiritual advisor is Rev. Jim Wallis who has had relationships with the communist Committee in Solidarity with the People of Ed Salvador. Wallis has rallied support for the communist Nicaraguan regime. Wallis is calling for "Social Justice" in America in order to turn America into a communist state like Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua that he praises. And now he is working with Obama. Topic Three: Tony and Bart Campolo, Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, and Rob Bell are all pastors that are leading a large number of "Christians" to the extreme left. The dominate; false church is growing in America. A study shows that Obama's margin of victory was from those who call themselves an evangelical. So what is with the new evangelicals and will the remnant be persecuted by this false church? Topic Four: Sean Hannity and Dick Morris on the TV program of Hannity on the evening of March 30th admit that those that were predicting global governance and the desire by the United Nations to rule the world and go to a global currency were right after all. Topic Five: The International Monetary Fund is increasing its control over America’s economy under the term “regulation co-ordination.” Topic Six: Obama appoints Harold Koh to be assistant State Department legal counsel. Some say he will be on the short list to go to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kol is a real radical that wants America to comply with international law and sees no reason why Sharia law (Muslim law) should not be applied to govern a case in the U.S. Topic Seven: Obama has set up a plan to get more Muslim in the White House. Topic Eight: HR 875 and SB 425 will eliminate farmers markets and small farms. If you give or sell any vegetables from your own personal garden you could be fined $1 million dollars. This is right out of the Communist Manifesto.

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