Brannon Howse: June 5, 2020


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Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung & Jeff Nyquist. Topic: Jeff joins us to talk about police officers taking a knee before the Marxists as well as the Secretary of Defense turning out to be a total coward. Now we are hearing from former military leaders that are mocking President Trump. Sadly police officials and current and former military are sending the message to Communist China that they are prepared to surrender should China desire to take over America. Topic: China orchestrated the Coronavirus and now the riots of 2020. Topic: The following five points suggest that the Sino-Russian “sequence” is now underway. Topic: Palestinian leader warns of a sacrificial explosion, even suicide bomb attacks if Israel annexes Judea and Samaria. Topic: Jordan calls for the world to unite against Israel. Topic: Iran and China use George Floyd death and protest across America to undermine US criticism of Iran and China's authoritarianism. Topic: Israel wants half of Egypt and all of Lebanon as the State of Israel, an accusation from the Palestinian leadership.


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