Brannon Howse: June 9, 2020


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Guest: Clare Lopez - Former CIA Operations Officer and WVW Broadcast Network Host. Topic: Clare and Brannon discuss the open letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo. In this letter the Archbishop warns of the deep state, a religious deep state, the Masonic New World Order and globalism. Topic: The killing of George Floyd was flash point, but insurrection was long planned in advance, just waiting for the spark: how did his killing set off dozens of protests, simultaneously, across the entire country, unless organization already was far advanced, in place? Topic: Red-Green Axis comprises: Islamic Movement/Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter/associated black separatist/anti-cop groups & Antifa & associated Marxist/Leninist, pro-Maoist elements - how do such disparate groups & ideologies find common cause right now? Topic: Narrative of this insurrection is "racism" - "white privilege" - these are narratives of political warfare, intended to condition popular "thinking" by endless repetition & lead to robotic responses of acquiescence & submission in action & behavior: what is the meaning of these hundreds of people we see lying face down on the ground, begging for forgiveness from street thugs for having been born white? Topic: Remember Jim Jones & Jonestown, Guyana: hundreds of zombie cult members drank the Kool-Aid & died. Topic: What do the BLM Manifesto & other statements from its website say? Where did #DefundthePolice meme come from? (BLM). Topic: What does the new BLM Blueprint say about establishment of "armed patrols" to take the place of police? Topic: What are some of the Black Power groups associated w/the BLM movement? Topic: Hard left, communist/Marxist/Maoist, Alinskyite coalition - what does Rules for Radicals say about situations like this? Topic: Who/what is Antifa? Where do they come from? What are its ideology & purpose? How is Antifa connected to the Muslim Brotherhood? Topic: We take your calls. 

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