Brannon Howse: March 11


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Topic One: Brannon uncovers another article by Frances Fox Piven, of Cloward-Piven Strategy. She is STILL at it even though she is an old gal. Piven wrote in the December 1, 2008 Nation Magazine that Obama needs a protest movement to accomplish his goals. In other words, he needs radical and if need be, violent community organizers to push the politicians to implement his socialist state. Topic Two: Bloomberg publishes commentary in which Kevin Hassett says Obama is a "Manchurian Candidate" and waging a war against business to destroy America. Topic Three: Why is Obama lifting the restrictions on embryonic stem cell research? Brannon gives two reasons. Topic Four: Why is Obama's ACORN against union secret ballot voting and what does it mean for the 2010 elections and beyond? Topic Five: Something of historic proportion is happening and it looks real similar to what happen in Germany. Topic Six: "Experts" say now is a good time to buy stocks. Really? They said that just before the market dropped 2,000 points. Why do people listen to these know-nothing experts they never saw today's financial crisis coming? Topic Seven: 15,000 show up for tax protest in Fullerton, CA. Topic Eight: More Americans say they have no religion. Is it possible to have no religion? Topic Ten: The coming evangelical collapse.

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