Brannon Howse: March 2, 2010


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Topic One: Why Charles Spurgeon stopped worrying about his reputation. Topic Two: Obama budget calls for $1.4 billion to be spent on AmeriCorps program that will turn students into community organizers. Students are being paid with federal tax dollars to work as "volunteers" for liberal groups like Planned Parenthood. Topic Two: Public school teacher calls into Rush Limbaugh to say Kansas is pushing for kids to pick a career major in junior high and spend the high school years in job training. Brannon wrote about this trend in his second book in 1995. Rush admits this is happing in Florida where students must pick a career major by ninth grade. This legislation was passed in Florida by a Republican Jeb Bush. Why is this so dangerous and what other nations have tried this. Topic Three: Jim Wallis calls for fasting because he wants to see the passage of national health-care, radical immigration reform and disarmament. Wallis is pushing for social justice which is the masking term for socialism, communism, Marxism. This is the guy that Prestonwood Baptist Church originally had booked to speak at their church on March 9th, 2010 until we put out an e-mail alert of our radio program that revealed how radical Wallis really is. It is now two weeks later and to our knowledge and despite our written request, we have not seen a statement by the Senior Pastor of this huge Southern Baptist Church denouncing the social gospel, social justice of Jim Wallis. Brannon offers Jack Graham an invitation to come on to his radio program to denounce the worldview of Jim Wallis but Howse says not to hold your breath that Graham will come on the program.

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