Brannon Howse: March 24


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Topic: Understanding America’s Worldview Crisis.
This is a special episode featuring a keynote presentation that was delivered by Brannon Howse at a Worldview Weekend Code Blue Rally in Atlanta, Georgia on March 22, 2009 before 1,400 conference attendees. How has America found herself on the verge of a spiritual, moral and financial collapse? What are the national consequences we are now facing for rejecting God? Who was John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Alfred Kinsey, and the Frankfurt School and how has their worldview shaped America at every level? The American church reflects the culture and only 1% of young adults have a Christian worldview. The culture now accepts and mandates political correctness which is really Cultural Marxism. American politicians embrace Fabian socialism and are destroying capitalism by design. What is the Constitutional and Biblical worldview for law, family, and economics compared to the Humanist worldview? What are the fastest growing worldview trends? How should Christians think and respond to what is happening to us and our nation? What is the opposition doing that we are not?

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