Brannon Howse: March 3, 2010


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Topic One: Obama Missile Defense Agency logo similar to that of Iran Space Agency. The logo has a star and a crescent moon. What is the message Obama and his team are signaling to the Islamic world if any? Topic Two: New camera phone app allows you to take someone's picture in public and then use face recognition software to identify the individual and other personal data from the internet if indeed their picture is on the internet like on Facebook. Experts are calling this a stalkers dream. Topic Three: Why will union members that go along with a socialist revolution find out that in the end they were useful idiots? How will the union members be selling their own rights and freedoms down river? How do Communists seek to use unions to turn elections? Topic Four: How could team Obama steal the election in 2012 using universal registration, amnesty for illegals and voting rights for convicted felons and prisoners? Topic Five: What is the Secretary of State Project and how is that being used by Acorn and other community organizers to turn elections for the progressives? What victories has the Secretary of State Project had thus far and what races are they targeting for 2012? Who is behind the SOS Project and how can it be used to seal the 2010 election for Obama?

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