Brannon Howse: March 5


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Socialism is Here and Tyranny is to Follow If We Allow It. Topic One: Inflation (the creation of money)is growing government, funding socialism so says Edward Griffin who is author of the book, The Creature From Jekyll Island. Topic Two: The loss of freedom is growing and we explain how and why. Topic Three: The people are voting for candidates that promise entitlements. Topic Four: Get ready for government debit cards that are given to those who comply with the government tyranny. Topic Five: Using financial and environmental fear to create globalism. Topic Six: When the government promises to take care of everyone and does not, that is the formula for a revolution says Fredrick Bastiate. Topic Seven: President Eisenhower warned us about what is happening in America today during his 1961 Farwell Address. Topic Eight: Dick Morris says socialism is not is here now.

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