Brannon Howse: March 6


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Topic One: The White House slammed Jim Crammer for what he said on his TV program. Crammer says we are watching the free enterprise system disappear because of Obama and it is the amateur hour. Cramer says that what Obama is doing could cause vast poverty and social unrest. Crammer says the American people are afraid of what Obama is doing and that is reflected in the markets. Topic Two: Brannon explains more of what Saul Alinksky wrote in his book, Rules for Radicals, that Obama taught for four years in Chicago and is following to the very word. Obama knows exactly what he is doing and it is not by mistake. Topic Three: Lou Dobbs on CNN reports on a UN law that would make it illegal, even in America, to speak against Islam. Topic Four: A pastor says that Christians need to lead the way for Obama and then slaughters Romans 13 to make his twisted case. This sounds very similar to the pastors in Germany and how they used Romans 13 to justify their in-action toward Hitler.

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