Brannon Howse: May 11, 2010


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Topic One: Is Obama's U.S. Supreme Court nominee a perfect example of a nation under God's judgment? Seattle Times says, U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's sexual orientation is nobody's business. Topic Two: Obama Administration to cut military pay. Why is America ceasing to be a superpower; Divine judgment? Topic Three: Washington Times says terrorism is on the rise on American soil why? Divine judgment? Topic Four: U.S. Representative Andre Carson says Tea Part protesters are "one of the largest threats to our internal security". Topic Five: Reported NY Times Square terrorist was blogging on terrorist websites since 2006, yet Obama Administration took him of their watch list. Topic Six: Is the Obama Administration inviting an attack on America in order to have a crisis to exploit in America? If not then why is the Obama Administration freezing the budget for visa security to terrorists cannot get into the U.S.? Topic Seven: Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero. Topic Eight: Georgia seniors told they cannot pray out loud before their meals in a retirement home because the meals are partially government funded. Topic Eight: We take your calls.

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