Brannon Howse: May 13, 2010


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Topic One: Why should Christians care about what is happing in the world? Why does Brannon not get discouraged when he reads and talks about so many negative things that are happing in America and around the world? The Prime Minister of Israel says that Iran is trying to provoke a war between Israel and Syria. To Christians that understand Biblical prophecy, why is this of interest and how can we use world events to reveal to the skeptic and critic the supernatural nature of God's Word? Topic Two: The National Mediation Board allows a union to be organized with a simple majority. What did Lenin have to say about the importance of the unions in the accomplishment of the Communist cause? How is Obama and friends going to use the increase in union members? Topic Three: Polls shows that 51 percent of Americans agreed that "it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism." Well we are certainly losing civil liberties and U.S. Senator John McCain is sponsoring S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, which could allow even American citizens that oppose the government to be classified as "enemy belligerents" and be imprisoned without trial. The bill "provide[s] for the interrogation and detention of enemy belligerents who commit hostile acts against the United States." Brannon reads an article by a liberal publication and a conservative publication to prove that this is not some right-wing conspiracy. Topic Four: Muslim Students Association members are yearning for another Jewish Holocaust? So you think Americans should not be concerned about the radicals Muslims in America? Maybe you will change your mind after hearing this news story. Topic Five: UN Gun Control coming to America via a United Nations Treaty is a possibility. Topic Six: We take your calls.

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