Special Radio Broadcast Report: The Dangerous Worldview of Maurice Strong and Sustainable Development. Description: In his book "Grave Influence", which came out in November of 2009, Brannon Howse warns of Fabian Socialists and radical environmentalists by name and one person he names is Maurice Strong who was head of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. In his second book in 1995, Brannon was then warning about Maurice Strong. Brannon's new DVD which was filmed at the April 2009, Branson Worldview Weekend and which will be released in June of 2010, exposes the global governance agenda of Maurice Strong and Sustainable Development in great deal. On today's program Brannon reveals facts from his book "Grave Influence" as well as facts in his Sustainable Development file. Agenda 21 is the agreement that 179 nations signed at the Earth Summit in 1992. Agenda 21 was their agreed upon plan. As Brannon quoted in his book in 1995 and in 2009, this is the goal as stated by Maurice Strong: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" And guess who the Agenda 21 radicals blame for the world's ecological crisis? You guessed it, Christians and the Biblical worldview. Brannon provides numerous quotes to prove this fact. Now you will understand why the radicals are pushing abortion on demand, active euthanasia through the rationing of healthcare, radical environmentalism, the worship of nature which is paganism. The radicals are using the four E's to push their sustainable development, Agenda 21 worldview: Education, Economy, Ecology, and Ecumenicalism.
Brannon Howse: May 14, 2009
Special Radio Broadcast Report: The Dangerous Worldview of Maurice Strong and Sustainable Development. Description: In his book "Grave Influence", which came out in November of 2009, Brannon Howse warns of Fabian Socialists and radical environmentalists by name and one person he names is Maurice Strong who was head of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. In his second book in 1995, Brannon was then warning about Maurice Strong. Brannon's new DVD which was filmed at the April 2009, Branson Worldview Weekend and which will be released in June of 2010, exposes the global governance agenda of Maurice Strong and Sustainable Development in great deal. On today's program Brannon reveals facts from his book "Grave Influence" as well as facts in his Sustainable Development file. Agenda 21 is the agreement that 179 nations signed at the Earth Summit in 1992. Agenda 21 was their agreed upon plan. As Brannon quoted in his book in 1995 and in 2009, this is the goal as stated by Maurice Strong: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" And guess who the Agenda 21 radicals blame for the world's ecological crisis? You guessed it, Christians and the Biblical worldview. Brannon provides numerous quotes to prove this fact. Now you will understand why the radicals are pushing abortion on demand, active euthanasia through the rationing of healthcare, radical environmentalism, the worship of nature which is paganism. The radicals are using the four E's to push their sustainable development, Agenda 21 worldview: Education, Economy, Ecology, and Ecumenicalism.