Brannon Howse: May 18


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Brannon’s Guest is Pastor Bob DeWaay. Topic: Uncovering the Emergent Church. Brannon and Bob discuss Bob’s new book on the Emergent Church. Bob explains the worldview and theology of numerous philosophers upon which the Emergent church has been built. Listen and understand why the Emergent Church does not defend essential Christian doctrines, does not discuss end times prophecy and why they are seeking to deconstruct everything. What is the connection between the worldview of President Obama and the Emergent Church? How does the worldview of the deconstruction of the Emergent Church fit in with the worldview of the anti-Christ found in Daniel 7:25 that states that the agenda of the anti-Christ will be to change the laws and times? Is the Emergent Church becoming the dominant, false church that will persecute the remnant of true believers in Jesus Christ? Why must we understand the worldview of the Emergent Church and who is their prime target?

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