Brannon Howse: May 29


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Brannon sits in again for Michael Reagan. Topic: The worldview heats up in the Bible belt. A county in the Bible belt of Memphis, TN is pushing for a sexual orientation ordinance. Churches and businesses in parts of the county would be fined and face civil penalties if they fired an employee that flaunted their sexual orientation or if they hired a man that then showed up in a dress. What would the Founders say about this? What role does the law of the Divine play in government? What is the purpose of civil government and how does this ordinance violate that original intent and purpose? How did the Founders see civil government and church government working together? What did Jesus say about the working relationship between civil and church government? Why is the ordinance a direct violation of Tennessee's form of government? We then take your calls and one lady calls in to say a church should not be able to fire a female employee that becomes a man. Brannon takes on her view both from the law and from the Bible.

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