Brannon Howse: May 29, 2020

Guest: Expert on Communism Trevor Loudon, Former FBI Agent John Guandolo, & Middle East expert Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Police abandon the third police precinct in Minneapolis and allow rioters to burn and loot this police station. Brannon plays audio clips of the Governor and Attorney General of Minnesota making excuses for the rioters because of so-called racism, financial inequality and other cultural marxist talking points. The AG declares that the message of the rioters has been heard loud and clear and the state leaders are working to bring the change they are demanding. Remember the word change means revolution as described by Saul Alinksy. Topic: The mayor of Minneapolis is a community organizer in the model of Barak Obama. Topic: John Guandolo joins us to talk about and the Governor of Minnesota and his close alliance with Muslim Brotherhood. Topic: John discusses Mark Froemke, the man Trevor Loudon has dubbed “The Most Influential Communist in Minnesota.” Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins the broadcast to discuss how the leader of Iran and Turkey are using the killing of George Floyd as propaganda against the United States and Turkey. Topic: Brannon and Dr. DeYoung discuss 2 Timothy 3:1-4 and how these passages are coming to pass in our life time.

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