Brannon Howse: May 6, 2015


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Religion That Robs Widows: Today Brannon plays a portion of the Branson 2015 keynote by Jesse Johnson. Sadly, many pastors and Christians have used Mark 12:38-13:2 and the story of the widow’s mite to say this is an example of sacrificial giving that all Christians should model. This is 100% false. Jesus is condemning the religious system of the Scribes and speaks of the judgement that is coming to them. This judgement indeed came in A.D. 70 when Rome destroyed the very Temple in which this widow was depositing her money into the treasury. Topic: How does this type of religious system continue today with the selling of indulgences by the Church of Rome? Topic: How does the Word of Faith promote this type of religion that Jesus condemns? Topic: How do even some so-called evangelical pastors promote this type of religion by telling their congregation they must give 10% of their income to his church or they are not saved, or cannot be involved in ministry, or will not be blessed of God? Topic: We take your calls.

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