Brannon Howse: October 29-2013


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Dr. John Whitcomb returns for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Does Gen. 6:4 teach that the “nephilim” continued to exist even after the flood? Is it possible that the demons who possessed men before the flood (Gen. 6:4) continued to do the same thing following the flood? Question: Does the Rapture include all believers from all of history or only church-age believers? Question: If Old Testament saints are not taken at the rapture, when are they resurrected? Is this in Dan. 12:2? Question: Please explain Matt. 25:31-46. When will "the Son of man (come) in his glory" (v. 31, NKJV) and who are the sheep and the goats? If Matt. 25:31-46 refers to a judgment of the Gentiles based on how they treat the Jews (Christ's “brethren” [v. 40]) in the Tribulation period, why do some apply this passage to today? Question: What does it mean that Jesus is God's only begotten son? I am asking this question because I know of someone who does not believe in the Trinity and uses John 3:16 to say that Jesus is not God. Question: Are we behaving like the Pharisees in thinking that we have all the truth correct and all others are incorrect? Question: What are your most endearing memories of Dr. Henry Morris? Question: Dr. Whitcomb said that the gift of tongues ceased even before the death of the Apostle Paul. Were the tongues of the New Testament an actual language or something else, such as we see in the charismatic churches today? Question: Why are so many evangelical churches abandoning the essentials of the faith? Question: I enjoyed your radio program about the Reformation. Can you say more about how the study of church history has motivated you in ministry?

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