Brannon Howse: October 3, 2013


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Part Two: Bill O’Reilly's book The Killing of Jesus is out and it has serious problems. However, this has not stopped Southern Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress of Dallas from going on Bill’s program and telling Bill how great the book is and how evangelicals should love Bill’s book. Hear Bill O’Reilly in his own words declare that the book of Luke and Matthew were embellished. Hear Bill say the Holy Spirit directed Bill to write this book that undermines the Word of God as Bill does not take the Word of God literally as he openly admits much of the Bible is allegory. Hear Bill say that anyone that lives a good life will get to heaven. Hear Bill say that Jesus was a regular guy and was very afraid and a little violent and that He was a man. Bill says that Jesus did not say some of the things from the cross that the Bible records. Twice Bill gets it wrong as to where John was when he wrote the gospel of John. Hear Bill say that people need to keep their Biblical views out of public policy and should not argue the issue such as same-sex marriage from the foundation of what God says about this topic. Hear Bill downplay the deity of Jesus Christ and His miracles. Hear Bill say Jesus was killed over taxes; hear Bill say Jesus was killed for overturning the tables of the money changers in the Temple. Bill does not address the miracles of Jesus Christ or the resurrection of Jesus Christ and Bill declares that he and his co-author report what they could validate as being true. Yet, with all the problems with Bill’s book this does not top SBC Pastor Robert Jeffress from declaring on national television that evangelicals should love Bill’s book. Topic: We take your calls and boy do our phone lines light up on this topic as callers very much disagree with the worldview of Bill.

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