Brannon Howse: September 1


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Topic: Russia Today news program reports that many U.S. doctors do not believe H1N1 vaccine is safe and that the government is pushing it aggressively despite their concern. They report that the U.S. government would like to vaccinate 160 million U.S. citizens by December 2009. Topic Two: Head of New York Fed former president of trade union. Obama is tight with the unions and uses the SEIU union to act as protestors on his behalf. I guess they have become the "rent a mob" for him to use in order to stir up protests against the "haves" as Saul Alinksy wrote. Lenin wrote of the importance of getting Communists in the Union in order to use them for political and economic pressure against the establishment of the free-market. Topic Three: Ron Meyers interviews Brannon on a host of issues and we take your calls.

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