Brannon Howse: September 10, 2010


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Topic One: Why it is a bad idea that a Pastor and his church are holding a Koran burning. This act could be used to justify laws against Christians and our freedom of religious speech. Topic Two: Pentagon Burns Bibles as garbage. Topic Three: What is the correct way to expose the dangers of Islam and evangelize the lost? Topic Four: Ground Zero Mosque Imam says if Mosque is not built then terrorists will attack. Topic Five: Muslim prayers at Pentagon Chapel. Topic Six: Church puts out sign welcoming Memphis Islamic Center being built across the street from their church. Is this going a bit far? Topic Seven: Some great news! We received an e-mail from a man that was a Mason and had watched our new DVD on Freemasonry that featured Ron Carlson. This man wrote "I was next in line to be Worshipful Master…and am glad to report that as of our last stated meeting myself and a Past Master, who was a 33rd degree Mason and 37 year member, resigned from the Lodge. Two days later the Secretary of the Lodge announced his resignation. They are in a difficult place and may have to close if I can get a few more players to convert." We are thankful that Lord is using our resources in this way. Topic Eight: We just received an e-mail from a solider deployed in Iraq thanking us for the program and explaining what he has learned about Islam by listening to our program when we had Usama Dakdok on the program. Please pray for our soldiers and that this program would continue to be an encouragement to the many that we hear from. Topic Nine: We take your calls. (Original air date was September 9, 2010 at 1 pm CT)

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