Brannon Howse: September 15, 2010


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Topic: On today's program Brannon reads a large number of Bible verses that reveal the unbiblical nature of Kingdom Theology or Dominion Theology. All the Scriptures that Brannon will read reveal that God will build His Kingdom not us and that God's kingdom will not be of this world. Not one verse says that we build God's Kingdom on earth but that those who do the will of God will enter or inherit the kingdom of God. The Scriptures do not speak of the world turning to God in global revival that sets up God's kingdom on earth. To the contrary the Bible declares that the last days will see a great apostasy or falling away from traditionally held Biblical truths. In Matthew 24 Jesus says that all nations of the world will hate Christians that stand for Biblical truth not that the nations will turn to God until Christians take over the world economically, politically and religiously. Those that follow Kingdom Theology and the teaching of men that claim to receive extra Biblical revelations from God are in fact really taking part in a cult. We also take your calls.

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