Brannon Howse: September 17, 2010


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Topic One: The power of Scripture to change hearts and minds. Topic Two: International House of Prayer being sued by International House of Pancakes. The Dominion Theology crowd may lose dominion over their church name. Topic Three: Gold hits another high of $1,275.95. Topic Four: Economist John Walter Williams says hyperinflation will start in six to nine months. What does that mean and how should the average person respond and prepare? Topic Four: Economist Peter Schiff says silver could reach $100 per ounce as the dollars collapses. Schiff also says "The united States right now is completely powerless to prevent runaway inflation". Topic Five: Americans using credit cards they can't pay back so they are going out with a bang. Topic Six: United States Joint Forces Command warns that huge U.S. debt might lead to default or revolution. Topic Seven: Why silver will become the "poor man's gold". Topic Eight: We take your calls.

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