Chris Pinto, April 30, 2014


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CROMWELL, JEHU & AMERICA Chris answers the question of a listener concerning the responsibility of Christians where the powers of government are concerned. Is there ever a time when Christians should resist evil powers at work in ruling authorities? What examples are we given in the Scriptures? Are we to suffer fools gladly? And what examples do we have in Church history? In the Old Testament, God raised up Jehu to strike down the wicked kings of ancient Israel. Clearly, this was done in obedience to God. During the middle ages, the Puritan leader, Oliver Cromwell overthrew King Charles I of England because he had betrayed the country. It was the Puritans who believed that all mean were to be held equally accountable to the laws of God -- the concept behind the declaration that "all men are created equal" -- and therefore, the king and commoner alike were subject to equal accountability. How else did Cromwell influence our thinking in America?

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