In today's program, JD discusses Hobby Lobby's transgender employee lawsuit, John MacArthur calling gay-affirming churches "Satan's churches" and other news stories. Next is your Daily Spurgeon, a Voice in the Wilderness segment featuring Pastor Kevin Edmonds and then a Downgrade segment featuring Myles Monroe proclaiming that the reason people aren't saved is because we're preaching about Jesus instead of fixing their problems and that "nobody wants to hear about no blood on no cross."
Chris Pinto, July 18, 2014
In today's program, JD discusses Hobby Lobby's transgender employee lawsuit, John MacArthur calling gay-affirming churches "Satan's churches" and other news stories. Next is your Daily Spurgeon, a Voice in the Wilderness segment featuring Pastor Kevin Edmonds and then a Downgrade segment featuring Myles Monroe proclaiming that the reason people aren't saved is because we're preaching about Jesus instead of fixing their problems and that "nobody wants to hear about no blood on no cross."