Chris Pinto, June 25, 2013


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Today's Show: ROME & ISLAM Chris discusses a new story concerning Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, who went to meet with Muslims in a New York City mosque, telling them that Catholics and Muslims pray to the same "god," and declaring that Islam stands for religious freedom. This is undoubtedly in keeping with the ecumenical dialogue Rome has pursued since Vatican Council II, and is a step in the direction of a one world religion. Earlier this year, Pope Francis stirred controversy by washing the feet of a Muslim woman who was imprisoned in Rome -- as if to suggest that her Islamic faith was as valid as any other. But how does this compare with the example of Christ in the Bible washing the feet of His disciples? And what should the believers response be as churches in America and throughout the world dive headlong into darkness and apostasy as they follow the example of Rome?

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