Chris Pinto, March 24, 2014


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Today's Show: ANTI-TRAFFICKING: THE LATEST INTERFAITH ENDEAVOR Chris discusses a new story involving the Pope, along with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Islamic Grand Imam of Cairo, who are all working together to "eradicate slavery and human trafficking." The three have launched an organization called Members of the Global Freedom Network and are determined to influence world governments, along with businesses and charities. But as with every humanitarian effort launched by interfaith groups, there must always be confessions of faith. Archbishop Welby issued a statement in which he said that different faiths were "being called into a deeper unity ... in the cause of the justice and righteousness of God." But what "god" do they mean? Since Welby represents the Protestant Church of England, how can he ignore the Biblical definition of righteousness as understood by the Reformation? His statement clearly blurs the lines of how righteousness is defined by Christianity vs. its definition through Rome and Islam. While this latest effort may lead to the end of human trafficking in some parts of the world, what will be the cost in terms of understanding the Gospel? The Scripture warns that among the merchandise of Babylon the Great are both slaves and souls of men (Revelation 18:13).

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